The road, somewhat South of Roode’s Pond, was at one time the scene of a tragedy which we may mention. About half a mile on the road from the Pond is a large, high rock, and there a man, Kelly, who was said to have been a school and religious teacher from Prince Edward Island , lost his life. One day he set out on foot from Tatamagouche, where he was teaching, to Onslow and was never after seen alive. Sometime later his body was found on the rock where he had made a slight shelter and a futile attempt at making a fire. He perished from the cold. It is said that his body is buried nearby.*

This road continued to be used as the usual thoroughfare between Cobequid and Tatamagouche until the road, now called the "New Tatamagouche - Truro Road" was built via North River, crossing the old road at Roode’s Pond.

In 1786 L100 was voted for the improvement of the old road, and no doubt, expended. But in 1797, its bridges were rotted or broken down and the road itself impassible, either for horses or cattle. At that time, cattle from Tatamagouche were marketed by driving them yearly, sometimes forty or fifty head, over this road to Cobequid and then to Halifax. When the Sheriff in 1787 swooped down upon the tenants’ cattle to satisfy a debt of DesBarres , they were driven over this road and sold at ruinous prices in Halifax.

* The tradition is that Kelly’s death occurred during the heavy snow storms of midwinter, his body not being discovered till after the spring thaws. The incident is mentioned in the "Memoir of Rev. James MacGregor" ibid page 263. Its date is very uncertain, but apparently before 1793 which was the year of Dr. MacGregor’s visit to Tatamagouche.

