
book cover

This book is dedicated to the men and women
Who did “their bit” on the home front during World War II.

A trip down Memory Lane after 50 years is no small feat!
If there are errors or omissions, we apologize.

© 1994
Margaret (MacGillivray) MacDonald

This is the 50th Anniversary of D-Day
How many know what the “D” stands for?
After many telephone calls, the New Glasgow Branch of the
Canadian Legion came up with the answer…
…Debarkation Day!

Many thanks to the Town of Trenton, Trenton Works Inc. and Roland Burke
for their financial help in the publication of this book.

To those who sent in material and donated pictured, Thank You!

Typesetting, layout & design by:
Format Desktop Publishing
R.R.#5, New Glasgow
B2N 5C8 – 922-2250
Printed by:
Alex MacDonald Printing
814 East River Road, New Glasgow
B2H 5E5 – 752-6070