Table of Contents Article I – Name Name of the society shall be: Pictou Garden Club Article II – PurposeThe purpose of the club is to promote gardening. From time to time the club shall provide other activities for which there is a demonstrated need and which are consistent with the purpose such as Junior Gardeners, Plant Sale, etc.Article III – MembershipSection 1 – Membership is open to all interested in gardening.Section 2 – Membership shall be regular or honorary. Section 3 – Dues shall be as that described at a regular meeting of this club. Section 4 – Dues shall be payable at the annual meeting each year in March. Article IV – OfficersSection 1 – The officers of the club shall be Immediate Past-President, President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers shall be elected from a slate prepared by the Nominating Committee or upon nomination from the floor.Section 2 – The Club may provide for
the election or appointment of additional officers as it may deem advisable. Section 3 – The Club shall have the power to fill any vacancies of office, between annual meetings through the Nominating Committee or upon nomination from the floor. Article V – Duties of OfficersSection 1- The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and represent the Club at any social function or business.Section 2 – The Vice-President shall
sit in the place of the President during any absence or incapacity of the
President, and shall succeed to become President of the following term. Section 3 – The Secretary shall take
the minutes of each meeting and be custodian of all records and documents of the
Club. Section 4 – The Treasurer shall have
the general responsibility for the Club’s funds and accounts
and present reports of same at each meeting; collect dues and pay out funds as
directed by the Club. Section 2 – Meetings shall be
conducted according to Parliamentary Procedure. Section 3 – Special meetings may be
called by the President or Secretary. Section 4 – Meetings may be cancelled
at the discretion of the President or Secretary (weather, death, etc.). Section 5 – Six members shall
constitute a quorum. Section 6 – The annual meeting shall be held in March. Article VII – Fiscal YearThe Fiscal Year shall be from April 1 to March 31.Article VIII – Committees Section 1 – There shall be a Standing Committee on Nominations which shall nominate candidates for officers and may nominate for vacancies in such positions. This committee shall consist of a chairperson and two members. Initially the committee will have one member appointed for one year, one for two years, and one for three years. Each year one new member will be added for a three year term, thus giving the committee of three a sense of continuity. Section 2 – There shall be a standing committee for: Refreshment, Program, Telephone, Junior Gardeners, Civic, Exhibition Display – These committees to be appointed at the annual meeting. Section 3 – Ad Hoc Committees may be appointed from time to time to deal with any work or problem not coming under the duties of a standing committee. Article IX – AmendmentsThese by-laws may be amended by the
affirmative vote of the majority of the members at any regular or special
meeting, provided notice of the proposed amendment is made at a previous
meeting. |
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pictougardenclub@eastlink.ca with questions or comments about the garden