River Wharf in the 50's and 60's

The Toney River wharf
(circa 1950’s or early 1960’s)

Boats and traps: Boats were 20-25 feet long with no cabins and no electrical
equipment. Boats were known
by number and not by name.

A boat heading in to Toney
River. The fishermen left
before daylight, and were lucky to get back before sundown

An empty boat is moored at
the dock. Boats could only
carry 25-30 traps. Many trips
had to be made to put the traps out at the beginning of the season.

Boats coming in and a stack of traps sitting on the dock.
Ten to twenty traps were strung together to make a bull trawl.

Before the construction of
the floating docks at Toney River wharf.
Back then the fishermen tied up at the main wharf or they made
their own place to tie up along the shore.
As seen in this photo, some fishermen had to walk the plank to get
to their boats.

The buildings at Toney
River wharf surrounded by flood water, during the flood in the spring of
1962. Many structures were
destroyed and fishermen who had already set their traps lost them all. The
flood caused a delay in the fishing season.

The building known as the
cookhouse was taken by the flood. The
ice and water removed the cookhouse from its foundation on a bank and took
it out to sea. Although the
cookhouse was not in use at the time, it was quite a sight to see an
entire building floating out of the wharf and into the Northumberland

A women sits on the dock
after repairs have been made. Many
fishermen needed to repair the landings where they tied up after the flood
of ’62. This time, they
built structures that were more like floating docks.