Day-in-the-Life Snapshot of the Industry: A Photo Album of the Lobster
Fishing Process
At the

Tying up at the wharf. The buyer
is waiting by his truck for the boat to tie up.

The buyer steps on to the boat to help unload the catch. |

The lobster catch is being transferred from the trays on the boat to the
buyer’s trays to be weighed. |

Crab will also be sold today. The captain and the buyer carry a tray full of
them off the boat. |

The buyer weighs a tray full of lobster on a scale. |

A busy time at the wharf: Bait, brought by the buyer to be stored in bins on
the boat, sits on the washboard. Ice is brought to keep the bait from spoiling
overnight. More crab waits to be
transferred to the truck.

The catch is being loaded on to the truck to be brought to the plant.

The deck-hand rinses out the trays and finishes cleaning up. |

Dawn Langille, the deck-hand and the captain’s daughter, smiles at the end
of a long day. The boat is named in
her honor. Most fishing boats are named after wives, daughters or other female
relatives. |

The truck full of lobster and crab is ready to go to
the plant.
The day is over for the fishermen but not for the lobsters.
They still have some traveling to do………..
here to see what goes on at the plant.