On July 14th 1991 the Clan Chattan Cairn was added to the field of
cairns located within the town of Antigonish. The cairn was dedicated
to the Member clans and was dedicated by Clan Chattan of Nova Scotia.
The coordinator of the Chattan dedication ceremony was Lewis MacIntosh.

“ Dedicated by
Clan Chattan
of Nova Scotia
to member clans
July 14, 1991”
The Clan Chisholm Cairn was dedicated to the Memory of the Chisholm
pioneers on July 11th 1979. The cairn was dedicated by Alistair Chisholm
who was at the current time the Chief of the Clan. The cairn was designed
by Rod C. of Port Hawkesbury. The masonry was done by Bernie Chisholm
of Summerside. The landscaping was completed by Ronald Chisholm. The
base of the cairn was prepared by John Chisholm. The organizing of
the preparation of the Chisholm Cairn was done by Bill Chisholm.

“ In greatful memory of
our Chisholm Pioneers
who felt us a goodly
Dedicated: July 11, 1979 by
Alistair Chisholm of Chisholm
“The Chisholm”
Chief of Clan Chisholm ”
The Clan MacDougall Cairn is located within the Town
of Antigonish in the Field of Cairns. The cairn was unveiled by Howard
MacDougall and Mary MacDougall on July 9th 1981. The honour guard’s
at the dedication ceremony were Donald MacDougall and Francis “Rocky” MacDougall.
